Vata, Pitta and Kapha are the nutritive fluids that feed the living organisms through the nervous, digestive and lymphatic systems respectively. Vata is constituted predominantly of Rajas, Pitta of Sattwa and Kapha of Tamas. Disease, according to Ayurveda, is generally defined as derangement of the three Doshas. Health is an equilibrium of the three Doshas.

Clinically, these theories are very helpful to the diagnosis and successful treatment of the multifarious diseases of the mind and the body. These theories represent the synthetic psychosomatic conception of man, which deals with his mental and physical states including the effects of the vitamins, hormones, toxins, antibodies and all factors relating to the self and the environments of time and place. The physiology of Ayurveda begins where the physiology of Modern Science ends. This means that the Ayurveda deals with both the known and the unknown as well, through its philosophy.

Emotions like anger, greed and hurry are potent sources of disease. Desire produces anger. Anger results in infatuation; both have their origin in Rajas (Gita). The senses, mind and intellect are the seats for these emotions. Therefore, one should develop control over these emotions which are the worst enemies of man. Otherwise, all material and spiritual knowledge will be useless—Jnana Vijnana Nashanam. In Ayurveda prevention of disease is effected through strict discipline of man to develop self-control. Ayurveda teaches not only how to live a happy life, but also how to die a happy death with detachment, contentment and peace.

Practice of Ayurveda
by Sri Swami Sivananda

Interested in learning more about Ayurveda and are in the Toronto area? We offer Ayurveda workshops from time to time, ranging from an introduction to the fundamental principles, its relation to yoga practice, cooking and nutrition and more. See the Workshops page for upcoming dates.