We teach yoga in a precise and simple way.

Our classes include: Breathing exercises (Pranayama); Warm-ups (Sun Salutations and Leg Lifts); 12 Fundamental Yoga Postures (Asanas) and Relaxation.

YOGA 1 -INTRODUCTION TO YOGA course is for you if:

  • You are new to yoga
  • Are looking for an authentic, traditional approach to yoga
  • Want to learn simple tools to increase your health, well-being and sense of calm in everyday life
  • Want to learn in small groups with experienced teachers
  • You would like to refresh your practice or learn a different style of yoga


This course focuses on further practice of the basic poses, variations and practice of Headstand. You will work on deepening your breathing through breathing techniques and a simple meditation technique to quiet the mind. This course is also ideal for those returning to the practice after some time or just want to review the fundamentals.

Following the introductory courses, you will be able to join our daily intermediate classes and practice confidently. Once you learn the simple sequence, you will be able to practice yoga anywhere, anytime.

Learn more about what we teach here

To register for a package of 2 levels and receive 10% discount

Use the package when booking


31mar(mar 31)6:30 pm28apr(apr 28)8:00 pmYoga Level 2 (Establish the Practice)


03apr01mayYoga Level 1 (Introduction to Yoga)

05apr(apr 5)1:00 pm03may(may 3)2:30 pmYoga Level 1 (Introduction to Yoga)

08apr(apr 8)6:30 pm06may(may 6)8:00 pmYoga Level 1 (Introduction to Yoga)

09apr(apr 9)5:00 pm07may(may 7)6:30 pmYoga Level 2 (Establish the Practice)

12apr(apr 12)10:30 am10may(may 10)12:00 pmYoga Level 1 (Introduction to Yoga)

17apr(apr 17)6:30 pm15may(may 15)8:00 pmYoga Level 1 (Introduction to Yoga)

Graduated from Yoga level 1 or 2 ? Consider taking Intro to Meditation course!