Satsang means ‘association with the wise’. It is the heart of yoga practice. Meditating together in a group creates a strong spiritual atmosphere which allows a deeper experience of meditation. In Satsang, people of different levels practice together – from newcomers to experienced yoga teachers. Satsang consists of:

  • 30 minutes of silent group meditation
  • 30 minutes of meditative chanting of mantras and kirtan
  • an easy-to-follow lecture on yoga philosophy or psychology

During COVID-19:

We are happy to resume our in-person Satsangs starting Sunday Oct. 18!

Sunday evenings: 6:30 – 8:00 pm

Free of charge. Donations of flowers or sweets are very welcome but completely optional. No prior experience required. All are welcome.

Pre-registration required: Please e-mail us at [email protected] or call us at 416-966-9642. Walk-ins may be refused due to limited capacity.

All health guidelines will be applied. Please make sure to read our Reopening Changes before attending.

satsang toronto

Special Satsangs

From time to time we are blessed to have guest speakers, musicians and events at our satangs. Please note some below and join us. (Free of charge).

Sunday October 18: Special Puja for the opening of Navaratri, the Divine Mother Festival

Sunday October 25: Special Puja for Vijaya Dashami, the closing of Navaratri.


25feb8:00 pm10:00 pmSivaratri Celebration