Our Teachers

As the inspiration and founders of the International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres, we follow the teachings through Swami Sivananda and Swami Vishnudevananda
Our Teachings

We teach a traditional, exact and easy-to-learn system that aims at naturally achieving the goal through creating a healthy body and mind that leads to spiritual evolvement.
Our Centre

Located in Toronto’s Annex neighbourhood (near Bloor & Spadina), the Centre in Toronto was established in 1962 and is part of the International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres, a non-profit organization.
New to Yoga?

With all that is on social media and the Internet, starting Yoga can feel a bit overwhelming. But it need not be so.
Common Questions

Here’s a list of questions new students often ask such as parking, yoga mats, what to wear, and more.
Community Outreach

Did you know that your participation at our Centre helps support a wide range of community outreach programs?