with Mayavan

January 20th-28th, 6-7am; Cost:$85

Start your mornings with an invigorating practice! The challenge will include Sun Salutations to warm up the body, 40 minutes of pranayama (breathing exercises), and guided relaxation. These practices help strengthen the respiratory system, increase stamina and keep good physical health. They also help keep the mind calm and peaceful.

Student have to be comfortable with the practices of Kapalabhati and Anuloma Viloma in order to participate in this course.

Teacher: Mayavan has been a dedicated practitioner of Yoga since childhood and is currently director of Yoga Salai, yoga center in Scarbourough.

yoga pranayama

Some of the benefits of pranayama:
-Optimal gas exchange (O2 and CO2)
-Oxygenation of tissues thanks to breath retention
-Harmonization of metabolic rates and chemical balance of the body
-Clearness of mind and stimulation of the parasympathetic system
-Improvement of digestion and fortification of the immune system

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