Yoga Retreats

5-Day Detox Program
21 – 27 Oct weekday retreat

This program will include fruit juices, salads and much more in a supported group enivornment. The detox program combined with yoga practices and meditation constitute an excellent  approach for cleansing on all levels: physical, mental and emotional. It will help you detach from craving sugar and other tasty foods. You will realize just how good it feels to replace inflammatory foods with nutrient-dense options. You will experience better digestion, more energy, enhanced flexibility and mental clarity.

It will help eliminate toxins from the body which can cause the following disturbances:

  • Indigestion
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Uncontrollable craving for sugar
  • Cholesterol
  • Migraine
  • Chronic Fatigue and more

Schedule :
Arrival : Monday 21, 3PM
Detox and yoga and meditation program : Tuesday to Saturday
Departure : Sunday 27, 11AM

Yoga and healthy lifestyle

21 – 25 Oct weekday retreat
25 – 27 Oct weekend retreat

You wish to make positive changes in your life but you are facing seemingly insuperable resistance from your mind or your surroundings? This retreat has been designed especially for you. Through the systematic practice of yoga postures, breathing and relaxation, combined with mantra chanting and meditation, you will build up the inner strength necessary to transform your life. You will also study and practice the powerful science of positive affirmations, which you will be able to use at home to create a better life for yourself and your loved ones.

Mind its mysteries and control: In depth study of the Yoga Sutras
28 Oct – 1st Nov weekday retreat

We will study the path of Raja Yoga as taught by Patanjali Maharishi in the Raja Yoga Sutras. The retreat will explore the workings of the mind and the controlling of our thoughts. In the scriptures, we are shown 5 types of vrittis (thought waves), the 5 Kleshas (sources of suffering) as well as the methods to harmonizing our inner conflicts resulting in a clearer and more focused mind. These scriptures give a wonderful message of hope and encouragement. It enables us to rise above the stages of depression, turmoil and fear and find a center of peace withing ourselves, where we are untouched by the changes and challenges in our lives.

Yoga and Osteopathy with Nicolas Philippon, Osteopath
3 – 8 Nov weekday retreat

Come participate in this unique retreat and enjoy the combined benefits of an integral yoga practice (yoga classes, group meditation, conferences, vegetarian meals and meditative walks) as well as daily osteopathic treatments adapted to the practice of Yoga.

You will benefit from osteopathic care spread over 5 hours, three days of consecutive 90-minute treatments, in addition to the consultation and examination on the first day. The retreat aims to improve not only your yoga practice, but also includes a daily clinical assessment to identify physical restrictions, including lack of flexibility, that could limit your yoga postures. The retreat is designed to help you release physical tension through personalized osteopathic care while progressing in this release through asanas.

Who is this retreat for?
This unique retreat is for anyone interested in overall health, wellness and the mind-body connection. Whether you are a yoga practitioner or simply curious about the benefits of gentle and natural osteopathic treatments, this retreat offers an ideal opportunity to improve your physical and mental health, while deepening your yoga practice in a serene and caring setting.

Osteopathy is an approach of gentle manual techniques aimed at maximizing the patient’s health so that the body functions optimally. Osteopathic treatments also aim to reduce pain, spasms, and inflammation, while improving flexibility and bodily functions. Osteopathy is recognized for its effectiveness against chronic pain, often caused by musculoskeletal disorders. Patients frequently see immediate improvements in their condition and well-being immediately after a first session.

Nicolas Philippon, Osteopath
Nicolas Philippon, osteopath since 2016, also completed a doctorate in chiropractic in 2004. However, he chose to specialize solely in osteopathic care, which he also integrated into the practice of yoga. Coming from a family where his father is also a chiropractor, Nicolas has always been passionate about manual body care techniques. He trained as a yoga teacher at the Sivananda center in 1988 and has been offering highly appreciated osteopathic treatments since 2019 at the Sivananda Yoga Camp in Val Morin as well as in several other locations.

Schedule :

Arrival: Sunday November 3 at 3 p.m. || Departure: Friday November 8 at 11 a.m.

Monday 4 to Thursday 7 November: Yoga and meditation program

  • 6:00 a.m.: satsang (meditation, mantra chanting, conference, Arati (light ceremony)
  • 8:00 a.m.: yoga class
  • 10:00 a.m.: vegetarian meal
  • 12:00: conference
  • 4:00 p.m.: yoga classes
  • 6:00 p.m.: vegetarian meal
  • 7:30 p.m.: satsang (meditation, mantra chanting, conference, Arati (light ceremony) Osteopathic treatment

Monday: consultation and osteopathic evaluation. Possibility of massage. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday: Osteopathy treatment every day according to available times Friday: possibility of additional treatments: massage or osteopathy

Maximum number of participants: 6 maximum
Minimum number of participants: 5

Essentials of Yoga and Self-healing

4 – 8 Nov Weekday retreat
8 – 10 Nov Weekend Retreat

  • What is self-healing?
  • Healing 3 bodies and 5 layers
  • Resilience in life struggles and stress
  • Yoga and ayurveda way in life
  • Increasing and balancing prana
  • Learning lessons on karma
  • Going to the root causes of suffering
  • Sadhana- conscious training
  • Overcoming obstacles from the environment
  • Healing emotions and relationships
  • Cultivating selfless love
  • Finding your purpose
  • Pratyahara: sublimating habits and desires
  • Protecting and strengthening the mind (japa yoga)
  • Positive thinking in daily life
  • Meditation: what it is and what it is not
  • Self enquiry and self surrender to be free from karma
  • Satsangs and helpful connections
Prana and Pranayama
11 – 15 Nov weekday retreat

Prana is the vital force within all living beings. Controlling this powerful energy through the practice of Pranayama will energize the body and at soothe, calm and elevate the mind. Would you like to learn more about these important yogic concepts
and better understand the theory behind the breathing exercises in our yoga classes? Join us for this workshop, learn how we experience and increase prana, and discover the tremendous benefits of Pranayama and receive helpful instructions for your own practice!

Some of the topics include:

  • Prana: the universal life force
  • How prana is experienced and expanded
  • Prana: the link between the physical and astral bodies
  • Benefits of the Pranayama practice
  • The healing power of prana
  • Useful instructions for the practice of pranayama
Kitchari Detox retreat: Cleanse Your Body, Mind, and Consciousness
11 – 15 Nov weekday retreat

Get a new start for your life. Through cleansing your body with kitchari (the Ayurvedic superfood) and yoga asana classes (postures and breathing techniques), cleansing your mind with mantra chanting and control over your senses and clearing your consciousness through meditation and philosophy lectures, the path is established for a powerful new start in your life.

A daily yoga program with lead you on this beautiful journey that combines all of the tools above with journaling, periods of silence, and deep discussions about the cause of suffering and the nature of life. Students will be introduced to Ayurvedic concepts as well and come to a better understanding of the diet and lifestyle that will be most supportive for creating an optimum state of health.

The Power Mantras, Kirtan (devotional chanting ) and Mala Making Workshop
15 – 17 Nov weekend retreat

Experience the sacred in a joyful weekend of call and response devotional chanting. Discover the power of Mantras and the path of devotion. Learn how to make your own Japa Mala for meditation.

The Art of Positive Thinking

18 – 22 Nov weekday retreat
22 – 24 Nov weekend retreat

Applying the principle of positive thinking into all of our activities can significantly improve our relationships and increase the quality of our life. Join us for this uplifting retreat and discover the power of thoughts; learn the basic tenets of Vedanta, the philosophy of Oneness, and explore practices that will help you to improve the quality of your mind, leading you to more calmness, greater wellbeing and further self-development.

Topics covered will include:

  • The nature of thought and its inherent power
  • Developing a healthy body-mind connection
  • Samskaras: how habits are formed and how to transform them into positive forces
  • How to create powerful positive affirmations
  • Aims of life (purushartha): self-effort and karma
  • Thought creates destiny: the self-transformative power of the mind
The Joy of Cooking

25 Nov – 29 Nov weekday retreat
29 Nov – 1 Dec weekend retreat

Join us for a hands-on cooking class bringing you the joys of cooking delicious and healthy vegetarian meals that will support your well-being.
Pure and natural food helps us to keep a healthy body and a sharp mind so we can lead our spiritual quest successfully. Do you wish to know more about the diet and its benefits in spiritual and day-to-day life? Join us for this weekend retreat and discover how you can improve your diet, heal with the help of spices, and go beyond your food addictions for a more happy and fulfilling life. In addition to meditation sessions, chanting, yoga classes and afternoon lectures, you will be able to enjoy a special cooking class in which everyone can actively participate!

Yoga immersion for beginner’s retreat
2 Dec – 6 Dec weekday retreat
6 Dec – 8 Dec weekend retreat

The programme is designed for beginners but also suitable for anyone looking to refresh the fundamentals of Hatha yoga. We will introduce the 12 basic postures, pranayama (breathing exercises) and meditation techniques and will instill the disciple to create a home practice, improve flexibility, and foster a greater ability to cope with stress and find inner happiness.

Yoga and the power of forgiveness
9 Dec- 13 Dec Weekday retreat
13 Dec – 15 Dec Weekend retreat

Forgiveness is a powerful part of spiritual life and deeply transformative practice. Free yourself of negative emotions. Embark on a journey to the opening of the heart to achieve a new and fulfilling transformation of body, mind and spirit.

Practical spirituality
16 Dec- 20 Dec Weekday retreat
20 Dec – 22 Dec Weekend retreat

Learn to bring meaning and power into the activities of your daily life. You may feel drained from work, relationships, daily frustrations or hardships. With Divine inspiration and depth of purpose brought about by yoga and meditation we can elevate ourselves. Yoga and spirituality give us strength to move through life more easily. Through the systematic practice of yoga postures, breathing and relaxation, combined with mantra chanting and meditation, you will build up the inner strength necessary to transform your life. You will also study and practice the powerful science of positive affirmations, which you will be able to use at home to create a better life for yourself and your loved ones.