Our Lineage

Swami Sivananda (1887 – 1963)
Swami Sivananda is one of the greatest sages of modern times, and the inspiration behind our organization. His teachings are a synthesis of all the formal doctrines of Yoga.
Although he rarely left the little town of Rishikesh (with only 2 India tours and no visits abroad), Swami Sivananda’s teachings spread quickly throughout the entire planet. He personally wrote more than 200 books on topics connected to Yoga and Philosophy. He wrote in an accessible style that is very direct and bursting with dynamic, spiritual energy. As a result many who read his books felt their lives deeply touched and transformed. They came from all over India and all over the world, to learn from him directly, and to bask in his holy presence.
He trained many exceptional disciples in Yoga Vedanta, among them, Swami Vishnudevananda, whom he sent to spread the practice of Yoga in the West.
His motto is: “Serve, Love, Give, Purify, Meditate and Realize”, and summarizes all his teachings.

Swami Vishnudevananda (1927 – 1993)
Disciple of Swami Sivananda, Swami Vishnudevananda was the founder of the International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres. He is a world renowned authority on Hatha and Raja Yoga, and the author of the best-selling book, The Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga. Swamiji was also known as the “Flying Swami” for the different peace missions he accomplished around the world.
He was convinced that outer peace cannot exist without inner peace. He became the first yoga master in the West to develop a comprehensive training program for yoga teachers, who would then inspire countless numbers of others in turn.
His motto is: “Health is wealth. Peace of mind is happiness. Yoga shows the way.”